Below are all my publications and my doctoral thesis.
Molecular Ecology March 2025

Large inversions shape diversification and genome evolution in common quails
Chinese Journal of Zoology December 2024

Discovery of a New Distribution Site for the Crucian Carp Carassius carassius, a First-Class Protected Wild Animal of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, in the Irtysh River Basin
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution March 2021

Phylogenomics and evolutionary history of Oreobates (Anura: Craugastoridae) Neotropical frogs along elevational gradients
Doctoral thesis December 2019
Evolution February 2019

Digest: Resolving phylogenomic conflicts in characiform fishes
Molecular Ecology December 2018

The genomic basis of adaptation to high-altitude habitats in the eastern honey bee (Apis cerana)
PeerJ September 2017

A practical guide to build de-novo assemblies for single tissues of non-model organisms: the example of a Neotropical frog
Herpetozoa January 2017

Another record or a new taxon? A candidate species of Chalcides Laurenti, 1768, in North Africa (Squamata: Sauria: Scincidae)
Zootaxa January 2017

Cryptic within cryptic: genetics, morphometrics, and bioacoustics delimitate a new species of Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from Eastern Cuba
PLOS One March 2016

Unexpectedly High Levels of Cryptic Diversity Uncovered by a Complete DNA Barcoding of Reptiles of the Socotra Archipelago
Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española June 2015

Población introducida de tritón alpino (Mesotriton alpestris) en el Prepirineo catalán
+These authors have made contributions that are regarded as equally significant, although the extent of equality may be subject to varying interpretations in some of the papers.