Postdoctoral Researcher
2021-Present | Guo Lab, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 🇨🇳
PhD Student
2015-2019 | Vilà Lab, Doñana Biological Station, Spanish National Research Council, Seville 🇪🇸 / Webster Lab, Uppsala University 🇸🇪
Master's Degree in Biodiversity (Evolutionary Biology)
2013-2014 | University of Barcelona 🇪🇸 / MSc Thesis: Carranza Lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Spanish National Research Council, Barcelona 🇪🇸
Bachelor's Degree in Biology
2009-2013 | University of Girona 🇪🇸 / BSc Thesis: Laska Lab, Linköping University 🇸🇪
Awards & Grants
Research Fund for International Young Scientists (RFIS-I)
2021 | National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (2 years) 🇨🇳
CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) - Postdoctoral Researchers (Category C)
2020 | Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (2 years) 🇨🇳
Predoctoral Mobility Grants for Short Stays at Spanish and International R&D Centers
2018 | Spanish Government (4 months) 🇪🇸
2nd Best Poster Award
2017 | XVI European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress, Groningen 🇳🇱
Predoctoral Mobility Grants for Short Stays at Spanish and International R&D Centers
2017 | Spanish Government (4 months) 🇪🇸
Predoctoral Mobility Grants for Short Stays at Spanish and International R&D Centers
2016 | Spanish Government (4 months) 🇪🇸
Predoctoral FPI Contract (Researcher Training Program) for PhD studies
2015 | Spanish Government (4 years) 🇪🇸
Erasmus Scholarship
2013 | Spanish Government (6 months) 🇪🇸
Conferences & Talks
- 2023: Invited talk at Southwest University (Chongqing, China) 🇨🇳 | Hosted by Prof. Luohao Xu (18/10/2023)
- 2020: VII Biennial Congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (Seville, Spain) 🇪🇸 (5-7/02/2020)
- 2018: Talk: "Multiple loci drive high-altitude adaptation in the Eastern honey bee (Apis cerana)" | Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Montpellier, France) 🇫🇷 (18-23/08/2018) | Slides
- 2018: Talk: "Genome adaptations to high altitude in the Eastern honeybee" | SevinOmics Spring Meeting (Seville, Spain) 🇪🇸 (09/04/2018) | Slides
- 2017: Talk: "Looking for the genetic basis of adaptation to high altitude habitats in the Eastern honeybee" | IMBIM Genomics Friday (Uppsala, Sweden) 🇸🇪 (22/09/2017)
- 2017: Poster: "Looking for the genetic basis of adaptation to high altitude habitats in the Eastern honeybee" | XVI European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Congress (Groningen, The Netherlands) 🇳🇱 (20-25/08/2017) | Poster
- 2017: Talk: "A genomic view on the diversification of Neotropical frogs" | Doñana Biological Station (Seville, Spain) 🇪🇸 (02/02/2017) | Slides
- 2016: XVI Jornades Herpetològiques Catalanes (Parets del Vallès, Spain) 🇪🇸 (23/10/2016)
- 2016: The Ecology of Genome Evolution Symposium (Uppsala, Sweden) 🇸🇪 (09/09/2016)
- 2016: Talk: "Genome size estimation in amphibians through real-time PCR" | SevinOmics Spring Meeting (Seville, Spain) 🇪🇸 (16/03/2016) | Slides
- 2014: Talk: "DNA barcoding of the reptiles of the Socotra archipelago" | XV Jornades Herpetològiques Catalanes (Sant Feliu de Codines, Spain) 🇪🇸 (11/10/2014) | Slides
- 2014: XIV Jornada de Biologia Evolutiva (Barcelona, Spain) 🇪🇸 (01/07/2014)
Courses & Workshops
- 2018: Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics (Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic) 🇨🇿 (2 weeks) | Photo
- 2017: Workshop Bioinformatics for Adaptation (Valencia, Spain) 🇪🇸 (2 days) | Photo
- 2017: Workshop on Phylogenomics (Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic) 🇨🇿 (2 weeks) | Photo
- 2016: Perl programming with application to bioinformatics (BMC, Uppsala University, Sweden) 🇸🇪 (1 week)
- 2015: NGS for evolutionary biologists: from basic scripting to variant calling (ELIXIR-ITA, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy) 🇮🇹 (1 week)
- 2014: Foundations of R programming and graphics, with application to the research in biodiversity (University of Barcelona, Spain) 🇪🇸 (1 week)